08/21/2016 by foodstoriestravel 0 Comments
Tuscan cooking class and dinner with Italian Chef Angelo Guida at Dedee Shattuck Gallery in Wesport
WHY: We believe in the power of recipes, which are edible food stories to be shared and savored to nourish your heart and stomach, in addition to connecting with the people who make your food!
WHEN: Sunday, August 21st, 2016 at 4pm for grocery shopping until 5:30pm while meeting some of the local vendors and/or 5:30pm to start the class followed by dinner
WHERE: Dedee Shattuck Gallery at 1 Partners’ Lane, Westport, MA
WHAT: Tuscan cooking class and dinner in Westport, MA kindly hosted by Dedee and Bill Shattuck in their beautiful gallery and featuring Chef-Instructor Angelo Guida, in addition to some vendors that we are going to meet during grocery shopping together! During this class we’ll share more infornation about our upcoming tour “Art and Food in Tuscany” at the end of April 2017 to meet food producers and different artists of Tuscany. Contact us if you have any questions
RELEASE FROM LIABILITY: Please remember that if you want to help cooking you will be asked to sign a Release from Liability otherwise “just bevi, mangia, impara and divertiti!” (“drink, eat, learn and have fun” in Italian)
PRICE: This class is sold out! Feel free to contact us for any questions
FOOD and WINE: We believe is important to source local and seasonal ingredients to support those who care about the land, the animals and the people involved in food production. Some of the ingredients come from the farms nearby Wesport. EVOO will be provided by Tony and Rosemary Melli, local residents and specialty foods importers from Italy.