01/24/2020 by foodstoriestravel 0 Comments
Spaghetti al Limone (with Lemon Sauce)
By Salvatore Aceto, owner at Amalfi Lemon Experience.
You might enjoy this recipe in Campania on our tour in the Amalfi Coast, inspired by Salvatore Aceto, whom we visit at his lemon grove Amalfi Lemon Experience (see below his original recipe in Italian and translated in English)**
Ingredients for 4 people:
- 454 gr (1 lb) of spaghetti or linguine (we recommend a brand that notes "pasta di gragnano" – or the method of extruding with bronze dies and slowly drying… the superior texture and sauce pairing!)
- 1 gallon water
- 1.5 Tbsp salt
- chopped up fresh parsley (we used 1 Tbsp)
- 1 lemon juice (organic and freshly squeezed, even better if from Amalfi!)
- 2 lemons zest (organic and freshly grated)
- 1 garlic clove
- 100 gr of EVOO (7 Tbsp)
- Peel and crush the garlic (either finely minced or whole, your choice) in a pan, with EVOO, the juice of 1 lemon, the zest of 2 lemons, and 1/2 Tbsp of chopped parsley. Stir to emulsify
- Bring water to a boil and add salt (the water should taste slightly salty. If not, add salt)
- Cook the pasta and taste it before draining it to confirm "al dente"
- Sauté pasta and sauce in the pan over medium flame for 2 minutes to let all the ingredients combine smoothly
- Adjust to your taste adding more lemon zest, remaining fresh parsley and more lemon juice before you serve them
Buon appetito!
** "Preparare in una padella aglio, prezzemolo, olio e limone grattugiato e parte di un limone premuto. Questa salsa non va cotta. Quando gli spaghetti sono al dente versarli nella padella e saltarli 2 minuti aggiungendo altra buccia grattugiata, prezzemolo fresco e una spruzzata di succo di limone prima di servire." (In a pan add 1 garlic clove (either finely minced or whole, your choice), fresh parsley, EVOO, lemon zest and part of the lemon juice. Cook the spaghetti and when "al dente" drain them and mix with the sauce in the pan. Sauté for 2 minutes over medium flame, adding more lemon zest, fresh parsley and more lemon juice before you serve them.)