02/26/2018 by Cristiano Bonino 0 Comments
Food.Stories.Travel.: Real Holidays, A Better Feeling
Article by Oliver Speakman featured in February 2018 on Impakter magazine, a platform focused on delivering, online and printed, only high quality impact driven information, articles, papers and interviews to it’s audience.
The challenges of an individualistic and consumerist culture may be most transparent when we take a holiday and truly unplug. We are losing biodiversity and a bedrock of culture when we decide to go to a destination on holiday only to disregard its personality and history and isolate ourselves in a hotel resort.
An ideal scenario would see the money from visiting tourists poured back into the lives of the locals, who perform a function for their immediate society and often have done so through generations of families. To lose local businesses due to the popularity of a hotel chain is not a sustainable mentality, and only ends up marginalising those who have put the most value in their local environment and society.
Cristiano Bonino is a man who understands the importance of nurturing and supporting local businesses whilst abroad. He has set up a business called Food.Stories.Travel which provides holiday tours, letting you fully explore inner Italy and its secrets. I spoke to Cristiano to further understand the mind set behind sustainable holiday making.