12/26/2017 by foodstoriestravel 0 Comments
Food in the Boot #4
Scouting tour of ten regions of Italy (where it doesn’t feel like Boston winter) by Cristiano Bonino and Rachel Greenberger.
For the end of 2017 and beginning of 2018, we are kicking things off right: leaving cold Boston to visit ten regions of Italy (including some of the warmest of the "boot") for Food in the Boot #4 from December 26 to February 23. Stay in touch with us (following #FoodintheBoot) to learn more about beautiful Italy.
Food.Stories.Travel is a company and a movement – a movement to return our focus and appreciation to the hands and faces of the people who feed us, to find the hidden (sometimes endangered) foods, recipes and methods of the Old World, to slow down so as to reap the full benefit of eating in community, and to taste new and favorite foods with all five senses and our hearts.
Among the things we will focus on for #FoodintheBoot 4:
- meeting local food producers to be inspired, learn their stories, share their food and promote them #HandsFacesItaly
- traveling through 10 regions of Italy: Piedmont, Lombardy, Veneto, Emilia-Romagna, Tuscany, Lazio, Campania, Calabria, Sicily, Liguria
- savoring the Mediterranean Diet that in 2010 was inscribed on the UNESCO Intangible World Heritage List with Spain, Greece, Croatia, Cyprus, Portugal and Morocco
- collecting lesser-known recipes of Italian regional cuisine to enjoy at home and feature on our hands-on cooking classes and private dinners in the U.S.
- improving our existing itineraries for Campania, Sicily, Liguria, Emilia, Lombardy, Piedmont and Lazio tours
- designing new tours in Veneto and Romagna
- discovering 14 UNESCO sites: Venetian Works of Defense between 15th-17th C (only Bergamo this time); City of Verona; City of Vicenza and Palladian Villas; Venice and its Lagoon; Ferrara and the Po Delta; Cathedral, Torre Civica and Piazza Grande in Modena; Early Christian Monuments of Ravenna; Historic Center of Rome; Amalfi Coast; Archeological site of Paestum; Arab-Norman Palermo and the Cathedral of Monreale; Cinque Terre; Residences of the Royal Houses of Savoy; Vineyard Landscape of Piedmont
- promoting one of the most beautiful countries in the world and its vibrant people!